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3 laros bloggers represent Contest

Banyuwangi Glow. evident lack of interest banyuwangi citizens about the digital world, still very far from the other regions in this part of Indonesian provinces, the reason is because only 3 laros youth are willing and sincere to attend the world's grandest Contes bloggers in Sidoarjo yesterday that lasted for 3 days, they is a blogger from the village panjen (zaki), Selorejo (usman), wadung (rudi). this is due to the lack of knowledge and understanding of the world of bloggers and what benefits we can if we are blogging. so they just become passive bloggers (bloggers who just set up a blog and then abandoned). whereas if we want to pursue the world of bloggers, we can get a very large income, and even blogging is not done to the side, instead of blogging we can get income in the six-digit nominal money, big is not it, provided we know and understand,
how can we understand? this is where the three ambassadors laros yesterday answering questions from one narrative laros say that a lot of advantage gained from the event yesterday, the speaker directly from google, and tokoh2 pensukses digital world, as well as meet and exchange ideas directly with bloggers throughout Indonesia only very memotivator to be making money in the digital world.

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1 komentar:

  1. hemm mas Pengen balajar lagi tentang ngeblog ini...jadi pengen lihat nya karna selama ini ya emang betul punya blog cuma punya punya saja gak di maksimalkan dengan baik...salam Bloger
