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Lider natural tourism assets that less attention

banyuwangi series, this time I will review this waterfall Lider natural assets that are included in the PTP XII plantation located in the village area source arum, songgon, banyuwangi which should attract tourists as the natural attractions of the district banyuwangi.if no one yesterday I saw one TV show covering the private government cares how Maros with a famous waterfall with its beauty if not wrong name gain glum. from here to remind me, because in banyuwangi themselves also have a waterfall that is no less charming waterfall Lider, but because pemeritah own lack of attention to these natural attractions, so that only the young people from surrounding areas who know about waterfalls this. if the government should spend less time and budget to manage the waterfall I think it would be a positive value to the government itself and will further add to library banyuwangi nature in this, besides Plengkung Coast. , Ijen crater, and Sukamade.waterfalls that fall into this songgon districts in the big picture is not difficult for us to want to go there, not even just the beauty of the waterfall, when we went there, from the front we will be greeted with thick pine forests, and coffee and clove plantations, until we arrive at pemukinan Dani society, and will continue the journey on foot to get to that location, the terrain is very challenging, this tour really suitable for us, especially young people who like to be adventurous. but all are full of travel and beauty keextriman will pay off when we reached the waterfall, splashing water falling from a height of 100 meters and several children jump our efforts paid off,
The following tips if you all want to enjoy the beauty and splendor waterfall Lider is:
From tiles to the north towards the sub Sempu 7 km.if you bring your own vehicle easier if you pass through the village Jambewangi Sempu district towards the village of Resources Arum 7 km. Arriving later in the post a plantation area, fill out a complete list visit with keperluannya.dan Make sure the condition of your vehicle all in good condition because impassable terrain is very difficult to taper almost volcanic rocks along the way. because if the weather is rainy, you should bring water as it passes tobacco as protected forests will often encountered leeches (leeches) in the leaves that will try to suck the blood of our bodies. If you are among those who like to linger in one place, it would be nice to bring drinks and snacks on site dive favorite because there are no sellers of food and little brief review of the waterfall banyuwangi Lider, hopefully the government will be less attention to these natural attractions of grace, so that will give a plus nautical foreign tourists to be able to make one of the main objectives in addition to the island of Bali, because banyuwangi itself is also not less beautiful and charming.

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